Professor Michał Mijal
Michal Mijal is an Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management. Researcher and lecturer interested in soft aspects of management and application of games and simulations in the organization. Project leader in several EU-funded research projects, spends also a lot of time teaching students. Father of three kids, avid boardgamer and fan of Science Fiction in books and in TV.
Michal's profile on with some papers:
Martyna Cieśla
Martyna is a graduate of the Faculty of Pedagogy and the Faculty of Applied Linguistics of the University of Warsaw. She obtained her B.A degree in translation for specialist purposes in English and German and her summa cum laude M.A. degree in andragogy – adult education, her research focused on the educational values of escape rooms. Professionally Martyna is a social media specialist, and personally – an avid video- and board game player, an escape-room enthusiast, and a film fan, especially the psychological, fantasy, and science-fiction genre.
Magdalena Supińska
Magdalena (Master of Science) is a graduate in economics with two specializations in management and marketing. She has knowledge and almost 20 years of experience in media, marketing, and advertising communication which she gained as a manager and a director in international corporations. She successfully managed and executed many local and international advertising campaigns and projects. Her rich knowledge of tools, channels and areas of marketing and communication management allows her to effectively build strategies, manage and develop brands in commercial, social, pro-publico bono, and artistic sector. She passionately manages both projects and teams of people. Professionalism, partnership, and honesty - these are the directions and values ​​that guide her in business and everyday work. Privately, she wants to become an actress – acting is her big passion and challenge of her life. She acts passionately. In her free time, Magdalena jogs, sails, alpine skis, and enjoys opera, ballet, art, and travel.
Monika Gromadzka
Monika is an academic lecturer, tutor, trainer and consultant. She works as an associate professor at Warsaw University, Department of Lifelong Learning and Adult Education. She managed many scientific and educational projects. She graduated from Business Trainers School lead by Center of Psychological Help and Psychological Specialists’ Education INTRA. She is also a Certified Behavioral Consultant accredited by The Institute for Motivational Living that entitles to use a competence test D3™ (DISC/TEAMS/VALUES). She is an ATA (Polish Academic Adragogical Association) and ESREA (European Society of Research on the Education of Adults) member. Monika is the author of numerous publications covering a wide range of Lifelong Learning topics. Involved in the developing of EPALE platform. Her main area of interest are qualitative research, non-formal and informal education, educational methods of supporting development, educational and professional identity.
This activity has received funding from EIT Food, the innovation community on Food of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the EU, under the Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programmed for Research and Innovation. Grant Agreement no: 19040